Office hours
My in-person, drop-in office hours are MW 1–2:30 pm in E18-437. My Zoom office hours are by appointment. If you would like to talk with me alongside my dog, Laika, her office hours will be announced on an ad hoc basis. (She is non-shedding but a tad rambunctious, so if dogs are not your thing, feel free to come during another time block.)
Here are some things that we can talk about during my office hours:
- Concepts in the readings, or how the readings / assignments relate to the class
- Clarifications on assignments (provided you have clearly read the instructions)
- Brainstorming or additional guidance for your writing or other projects
- Feedback on your in-class writing or fellowship / internship / grad school applications
- General input about academic trajectory or careers (keeping in mind that I have spent most of my life in academia, with only brief stints outside)
- Help with navigating MIT resources (to the best of my ability! I learn something new about the Institute all the time)
- Feedback on the class or on particular assignments / materials
- Current events and their relationship to the things we study in class
Above all, I am excited to get to know you — about your plans during and after college, about your interests and activities on campus, and just the things that excite you! One of the joys of being at MIT is having conversations with folks who are really excited by ideas, so please don’t hesitate to have a chat. If you are interested in a letter of recommendation (which I will only write after you have completed at least one class or one UROP with me), please make an appointment during my office hours before sending in the recommendation letter request form and email me to follow up.