Assignment 4: Media analysis project (2500 words)

Assignment 4a: final project proposal (1 slide)

Before next class, please fill in your slide in the shared final project proposal deck with 3 short ideas (1–3 sentences per idea). Be prepared to speak for ~3 min about your idea and give feedback to your colleagues.

→  Due: November 13 before class, submit to shared deck.

Assignment 4b: final paper rough draft

In this paper, you will choose a media topic to systematically gather data about, code (categorize) that data in some way, visualize the data, and analyze your findings. (Note: it is now almost impossible to study most major social media platforms as they have all but banned academic research, so it’s pretty difficult to impossible to scrape Twitter or Reddit, for example.) Instead of a platform, you can also analyze some media phenomenon. You can gather data about this phenomenon through any of the qualitative (interviews, observations), quantitative, or experimental methods that you’ve learned about this semester. Please use the file naming convention from the previous assignments.

Sample A papers from 2024: on digital nomads, on BTS and fan culture, and on deepfakes.

→  Due: December 2 before class, submit to Canvas.

Assignment 4c: final paper + presentation due

→  Due: December 9 before class, submit one slide to the shared deck and submit final paper to Canvas.