Assignment 1: Media diary (250 words)
For the next week, maintain a diary of all the media you encounter — news, entertainment, etc. After collecting data for >1 week, write a 250 word reflection and produce a visualization of your media consumption.
Due: September 23 before class
→ Submit reflection to Canvas, slide to shared deck
For the next week, maintain a diary of all the media you encounter — news, entertainment, etc. Pay attention in particular to how you came into contact with a piece of media — did you choose to read it, discover it via social media, have it recommended to you? What parts of your media diet are algorithmically driven? Do you understand why you’re encountering certain content? How are you encountering information through different mediums and how do you feel about the encounters? After collecting data for at least one week, write a 250 word reflection and produce a visualization of your media consumption. This could be in the form of a data visualization, drawing, a zine, cartoon, etc. Include your visualization at the end of your reflection (i.e., in the same doc).
Please name your file